March 17, 2009

Happy St. Paddys Day! and random thoughts...

Real orignal that i would do this bog in green today i know. Today was Jace's 1st St. Patricks Day, of course he wore green, and because it was in the 70s of course we played outside!

Of Course We ate Shamrocks!

Uh....does this mean 7 years of bad luck?

Now for the randoms....

Well we're down to 90 some days for the wedding. I'm pretty sure there are a ton of details i need to work out still....unfortunatly those details cost some moo-la that i'm not willing to spend on "a day". So we'll see how creative i can get, i have a feeling some people are going to call this a hick/hippy wedding. But thats alright with
me, dave already calls me a Hippy....i'm pretty sure that the word for the modern day hippies is "hipster" you can check out the official hipster handbook is offically up and running, i'm still doing some tweaking to the site, but at least its up.

I have my newest tattoo idea offically ready. I'd love to get it done before the wedding, we'll see though. Actually i have two ideas for tattoos...but the 2nd one is a little more intense and could take awhile.


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